
Prosedur Permohonan Kegunaan Persendirian

Applicant should submit:

1. Form ST(PE)4 (Amendment 2008)
        a. Form ST(PE)4 (Amendment 2008) can be downloaded from
        b. sections A, B, C, D and E need to be completed, where applicable
2. A copy of the applicant’s identity card.
3. Evidence of travel such as copy of the passport.
4. Other relevant documents as evidence such as copy of invoice, resignation letter, transfer letter, prize winning letter and others.
5. Applicant need to submit 3 copies of ST(PE) 4 (Amendment 2008), namely for the applicant, Customs and Energy Commission.
6. Only one unit for each equipment is permitted to be applied through personal exemption letter.

7. Imported electrical equipment must be suitable with voltage and frequency rates for Malaysia.

No Fee Imposed

Approval Period

Complete application will be processed and approved on the date of application, subject to the approval of the Director or Head of Equipment Unit.