Legal Requirements

Requirements of The Law
Electricity Supply Act 1990 (Act 447)
The Electricity Supply Act 1990 (and amendment in year 2001) provides the need for any activity related with the supply of electricity to be licensed as follows:
Section 9(1): “subject to such exemptions as may be prescribed, no person, other than a supply authority, shall:(a) use, work or operate or permit to be used, worked or operated any installation; or(b) supply to or for the use of any other person energy from any installation, except under and in accordance with the terms of a licence expressly authorizing the supply or use, as the case may be. Section 9(2):“Licences may be granted by the commission with the approval of the Minister upon payment of such fees and upon such conditions as appear to be requisite or expedient having regards to the duties imposed by section 4.”
Electricity Regulations 1994
Electricity Regulations 1994 (and amendment 2003) state that the form to be used and the fee to be paid for the issuance of the license, as follows:Rule 8: “A license for public installation should be in a form that the Energy Commission deems appropriate and suitable for public installation.”Rule 9: “A license for personnel installation should in Form F as stated in Table One”Rule 10(1): Fee that is due for the issuance of license for public installation, apart from generation stated in sub-regulation (2), should be at an annual rate and a rate stated in Part III of Table Two.Rule 10(2): Fee that is due for the issuance of license for public installation for electricity generation using biomass energy, hydropower, solar power, geothermal power, wind power, wave and tidal wave sources with aggregate power not exceeding 10 MW shall be paid annually and shall be at a value that is fixed in Part IIIA Table TwoRule 10 (3): Fee that is due for the issuance of license for private installation shall be paid in full according to the validity period for the license and shall be in value that is fixed in Part IA Table Two.Rule 10(4): All fee that is due to be paid under sub-regulations (1), (2) and (3) shall be paid at the start of the year for each license.Rule 10(5): Any fee that is settled before Parts IA, III and IIIA Table 2 come into effect shall not be reimbursed.