Transition of Installation to Energy Consumer

  1. What will happen for installation subjected under Efficient Management of Electrical Energy Regulations 2008 (EMEER 2008) once Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act (EECA) 2024 is gazette? 
    Once the EECA is gazetted, the EMEER 2008 will be repealed along with all the requirements stipulated under the regulations. Installations will no longer be subject to the EMEER 2008 once the EECA is gazette

  2. How do I know my installation will be identified as energy consumer under the EECA?
    Energy Commission (ST) will issue a new notice under EECA for any person or installation who meet the threshold of consumption equal or more than 21,600GJ in 12 consecutive months. Notice under EECA will be issued at least 12 months after EECA is gazette because ST need to monitor 12 months complete energy consumption data to deem any person as energy consumer. 

  3. What will happen to the appointed Registered Electrical Energy Manager (REEM) appointed under EMEER 2008 after EECA is gazette?
    Once EECA is gazette, all the requirements stipulated under the EMEER 2008 will be repealed including requirements to appoint REEM. However, for the purposes of continuous energy management and for the preparation of EECA, we encourage for the installation to continue the appointment of REEM 

  4. Do I still need to submit six months periodic reports under EMEER 2008 via Energy Management Information System (EMIS) once EECA is gazette?
    We encourage for the installation to continue submitting the six months periodic report under EMEER 2008 for the purpose of monitoring your own energy efficiency performance including continuous energy management practices especially on the energy saving measures implemented. ST is required to monitor the energy savings achieved through the energy saving measures implemented by the installation until 2025 under the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) which will then be reported to the Ministry of Energy Transition and Water Transformation (PETRA). Therefore, we greatly appreciate if installation can continue submitting the periodic six-month report via EMIS.  For this purpose, it is not compulsory to appoint REEM. Installation can submit the six months periodic reports directly to ST via EMIS. EMIS will be open for submissions of reports under EMEER 2008 even after EECA is gazette until further notice. 

  5. Is there any penalty if installation does not follow requirements under EMEER 2008 once EECA is gazette. 
    No penalty or action will be taken under EMEER 2008 because EMEER 2008 will be repealed once EECA is gazette. 

  6. What do installations under EMEER 2008 need to do once the EECA is gazette.
    In general, all the requirements under EMEER 2008 will be repealed once EECA is gazette which means installation no longer required to comply with the requirements under EMEER 2008. However, we would like to encourage for the installation to continue appointing REEM and submitting periodic six months via EMIS, for the purpose of continuous energy management practices and also as preparation for the requirements under EECA. In general, installation subjected under EMEER 2008 will also be subjected as Energy Consumer under EECA. Compliance with the EECA will begin once ST issues a notice to the person as an Energy Consumer under the EECA.